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Idaho's Favorite Alabaster Sculptors, Wood Carvers and painters.
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One of a kind Alabaster and wood carvings, by sculptor artist, Toby Gonyou and J. Michael Moyer A/W. The Alabaster used, is from the Colorado and Utah quarries.

About the artists

Toby Gonyou (1966-) has been sculpting for 12 years and is a self taught artist. Toby took refuge in the Idaho Mountains in 1997 where he creates his alabaster stone sculptures. Toby lost 80% of his eye site in the early 80's and had to turn to his sense of feel and limited vision to create his works of art.

Mr Gonyou's freeform style sculptures of fish, snails and mythology are in private and corporate collections through out the USA and Canada.His hobbies are cross country skiing and biking the mountains surrounding Idaho City.

J. Michael Moyer A/W, born in 1941- has over thirty five years of experience in the art world. At a young age he attended the Chicago Art Institute and has had a successful commercial art career and now dedicates his time to creating original works in his studio gallery in Idaho City, Idaho. His works are in private and corporate collections in 27 foreign countries as well as throughout the North American continent. He also has works in numerous museums including the Smithsonian.

He is currently represented by two galleries in North Carolina and central Texas for his original paintings in the oils and acrylic mediums as well as numerous on line galleries..

Since original sculptures are difficult to find with the onset of large editions of bronze and casting of various mediums, it has been his desire to create only one of a kind pieces for the collectors that are desiring those one of a kind pieces. All of his original sculptures in alabaster and wood carvings are started from odd shapes of stone and wood rather than quarried blocks, that he hand picks for what he see's within these natural shapes. He states that most of the work is already done for the artist in these natural shapes, the secret is to identify it before its creation.

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